About Centre for Environmental Legal Studies

The Centre for Environmental Legal Studies (CELS) was established by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab in 2016 as a research centre tasked with the responsibility of undertaking and encouraging discourse on the wide array of enviro-legal issues faced by humanity, at a domestic, regional and international level. CELS seeks to collaborate with various experts, leading academicians, legislators, and government authorities to raise awareness of environmental concerns and advance legal remedies for the same, while also endeavouring to contribute to the complex and multi-dimensional issues of enviro-legal policy in India.

Submission Guidelines

Submission guidelines for Call for Papers by CELS are:

We invite and accept original contributions that involve critical interdisciplinary research on environmental issues both at the national and international levels. The contributions must include comprehensive, high-quality interdisciplinary and legal analysis of environmental issues, case laws, legislation and policymaking, and activism. At the same time, under exceptional circumstances, the editorial board may welcome the write-ups that revisit important issues which may have gone dormant, unresearched, provide a unique and novel perspective or have renewed paradigm for discussion.

We encourage manuscripts that render policy arguments and concrete suggestions for the environmental-related problems along with the manuscripts that take a local approach to global issues that are around environment-related topics. The CELS Enviro-Legal Blog seeks interesting and innovative analysis and would be delighted to discuss or develop your notions. Contributors are requested to read the Submission Guidelines for the CELS Enviro-Legal Blog before submitting a proposed blog to us.


Our forum is an egalitarian space and submissions are welcome from students, environment law researchers, academicians, practitioners, members of civil society organizations and policymakers. However, quality of research and adherence to submission guidelines are quintessential requirements for acceptance.

Contribution Guidelines

The CELS Enviro-Legal Blog accepts submissions on a rolling basis from external contributors. The submissions will be reviewed and edited by our Editorial Board. The word limit for the submission shall be 800-1200 words accompanied by an abstract of not more than 150 words. All word limits are exclusive of end-notes and abstract. The Blog is flexible regarding the word count (up to 1800), depending on the quality of the submission. Co-authorship manuscripts to a maximum of two authors, of the same or different institutions, is permissible.

Formatting and Citation Guidelines

The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. The end-notes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single line spacing. The text alignment should be justified.

Referencing and citations must be put up in the form of in-text hyperlinks for internet sources. In the event that a cited material does not have an online copy or reference, only endnotes must be used. Endnotes for offline sources shall adhere to the Bluebook (20th Edition) style of citation.

Submission Procedure

The CELS Enviro-Legal Blog accepts electronic submissions only. Submissions may be emailed to cels@rgnul.ac.in under the subject heading “Submission for CELS Blog” for the Call for Papers by CELS. All submissions must contain the following:

  • The manuscript should be in .doc or .docx format. The manuscript should not contain the name of the author or his/ her institutional affiliation or any other identification mark.
  • Ensure that the title of the document has been renamed to the title of the post [without any personal detail of the author(s)].
  • Along with the manuscript, a separate cover letter in .doc or .docx format has to be attached. The Cover letter should contain the name of the author, professional information, the title of the manuscript, contact information, a short bio about the author(s).
  • The manuscript shall be sent along with the Declaration form (provided below) stating that the manuscript is an original and a bona fide work of the author(s) and they undertake to divest the copyright of the work to The CELS Enviro-Legal Blog if accepted for publication.
  • Authors must indicate their academic qualifications including their year of study or degree(s) completed and the name of the university/ institution to which they are affiliated.
  • The title of the manuscript should indicate the sub-theme that the author has chosen.

Contact details

Mail at: cels@rgnul.ac.in

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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