About Amity law school

The Amity Law School (ALS) in AUMP was established in 2013. Amity Law School conducts three integrated 5 years under-graduate courses, LL.M. (One Year) and Ph.D. programmes in law related subjects. The main focus of ALS is to promote high quality research and develop professionals in legal education and legal profession. Development of cutting-edge skills, imparting high quality education and conducting research in the emerging trends in legal education and legal profession are the main features of the school. Amity Law School has been regularly organising Moot Court Competitions and Seminar/workshops on important legal issues. All round personality development of a student is the hallmark of Amity Law School.

About the Seminar

Taliban are militants who have got close relations with the terrorists and jihads, Taliban adopts hate, intolerance, bigotry and fascism against other faiths. They believe that Mohammed, the founder and prophet of Islam believed in the doctrine of ruse, deceit, skullduggery, falsehood and faithlessness. Taliban joining hands with terrorists taking refuse in Pakistan will increase terrorists’ activities against India. United Nations is a silent spectator to the violation of Human Rights in Afghanistan. All the five permanent members of UNO have their own vested interests in Afghanistan. Scope of the International Seminar would be to discuss Humanitarian Law, Economic Crisis, Human Rights, International law and related issues relating to refugees fleeing from Afghanistan. Benefits and outcomes of the Seminar would be that the participants would benefit from the discussions on Humanitarian Law, Human Rights, International Law, Refugee Law, International Relations and World Diplomacy as well as the role of UNO in such crucial situation affecting gross Human and Economic Rights of citizenry of Afghanistan. With a view of active experience, Amity Law School, Amity University M.P. is organising a one-day virtual National Seminar in an effort to provide a forum to discuss the various facets of Talibanisation on 25th Feb, 2022. 

Proposed sub themes of the Seminar (but not limited to) are as mentioned below and research papers will be invited from scholars and professionals across the country on these themes: 

  1.  Retrospective Legitimacy of Talibanisation of the Islamic State.  
  2. Talibanisation in the Pakistani region.  
  3. International Politics after Talibanisation.  
  4. India’s view over the recognition of Taliban rule.  
  5. Talibanization of Education.  
  6. Afghani Women after Talibanization. 
  7. Media Freedom under the regulatory measures of Taliban. 

Important Dates

Last date for submission of Abstract- 1st February 2022
Last date for submission of full paper- 15th February 2022
Date of AUMP National Seminar 25th Ferbuary 2022

Registration Link


Call for Papers

  • Please submit the Abstract of 200-230 words along with keywords to als.aump@gmail.com on or before the last date of submission.  
  • The manuscript should be in English language and shall be written in Times New Roman with Font size 12 and 1.5 space between the lines.  
  • The word limit of paper must not exceed 3000 words excluding abstract.
  • The permitted plagiarism is 20 percent for the papers.
  • The manuscript should also be checked thoroughly for grammatical or typographical errors before submission. The manuscript should accompany a separate cover page to provide title of the paper, author’s name, designation, address and contact details, including e-mail ID.
  • The limitation to the number of co-authors on a paper is three. After peer review process, selected papers will be published in the Reputed Journal/ Book Chapter with ISBN publication. *The publication fee is payable only after your paper get selected for publication 

For more details refer to the brochure

Contact Details

Event Coordinators 

Dr. Rakhi Singh Chouhan, Associate Professor, ALS, Contact: +91 9425619917, rsingh2@gwa.amity.edu 

Student Coordinator 

  • Mr. Rohit Pathak: Contact: +91 7974157275 
  • Mr. Mudit Goswami: Contact: +91 7440585708 

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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