About the Legal Aid Cell, DNLU
In the year 2018, Vidhi Mitra, The Legal Aid Cell, Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur, was founded. Its goal is to make the legal system and justice more accessible to the general public, as well as to raise public awareness about current legal concerns and established human rights.
About the Blog
The Vidhi Mitra Blog is intended to provide an active venue for the legal community to voice and share their experiences and thoughts on current legal topics and themes that the cell has prescribed.
Call for Blogs
The Blog’s Editorial Board invites submissions of articles, case notes, blog entries, book reviews, and discussion that fall within the boundaries of the subject area, namely, “Constitution and Legal Aid.”
The Blog is open to any topic which revolves around “Constitution and Legal Aid” or any other contemporary legal issue(s) related.
There are numerous study subjects in the presented theme, however they have grouped it into the following sub-themes, keeping in mind the current topics of discussion on the constitution and legal aid:
- Introducing the citizenry to their constitutional rights by using the tool of legal aid.
- Tele Laws beneficiary surge: A Critical Analysis.
- Comparing & contrasting the legal aid systems of various countries.
- Weighing the merits and demerits of the Legal Services and Authorities Act, 1995.
- Legal Aid Services’ contribution in making bail, the norm.
- Where does Legal Aid fit in? (DPSP vs FR)
- Reflecting back at Article 39A: Possible Amendments.
- Misuse of Legal Aid Frameworks in the contemporary times.
- Constitutional expectations from Legal Aid.
Submission Guidelines
- The author may choose one or more sub-themes for his/her manuscript.
- The article should be an original work of the author and neither published nor under consideration for publication in any other journal or blog. The work must not be plagiarised.
- Co-authorship (limited to 2 authors) is allowed.
- Word Limit
- Articles: 2500-3500 words;
- Case Notes: 1000-2000 words;
- Book Review: 1500-2500 words;
- Blog: 1000-1500 words.
- Manuscripts above the prescribed word limit shall not be considered as a general rule, except under special circumstances subject to the sole discretion of the Editorial Board.
- In case author(s) want(s) to roll out a series of blogs, the decision on the word limit shall be taken by editorial board accordingly.
- All submissions should be typed in font Times New Roman with heading size 14, font size 12, line spacing 1.5′; justified.
- The submissions should be made online in a MS Word format document to: legalaid@mpdnlu.ac.in mentioning the details of the author(s), the category of the manuscript and the sub-theme(s).
Citation Guidelines
- The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (21st Ed.) is to be followed for citation.
- All endnotes must be in Times New Roman, font size 10, single-spacing, and justified text.
Submission Deadline
November 25, 2021.
Contact Information
legalaid@mpdnlu.ac.in or Arpit Sanjar: 7440480281 / Sagar Rai: 9753083908
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