HBLR stands at the intersection of law and business and is committed to publishing research and commentary on a wide range of developments in business and commercial law. HBLR welcomes submissions from all members of the business law community, including students, academics, practitioners, regulators, and lawmakers.

Topic areas:

HBR is accepting articles concerning:

  • U.S. law,
  • international law, and
  • the domestic laws of countries and regions worldwide.

Submission guidelines:

The word limit shall be 1000-5000 words excluding footnotes.

Manuscript citations must conform to the most recent edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.

Submissions shall be made via email to online@hblr.org. Submissions without a resume or CV will not be reviewed. Cover letters are optional but preferred.

Visit: https://www.hblr.org/submissions-2/

Lexpeeps honest opinion:

  • Law students exploring their interests and trying to give an edge to their writing skills.
  • Want to excel in their interpersonal skills like writing, communication.
  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year law students shall send their submissions as these are the opportunities that give them exposure.
  • All the law students trying to bring laurels to them.
  • Knowing and not knowing about the subject doesn’t matter if you are willing to work hard and research a lot about your topic.

Note: This is just a suggestion from Lexpeeps side to everyone reading. It has been seen that in this hard time, students are panicking and doing everything and anything just to add on to their CV/Resume, even the things that are not going to add so much value to their CV’s.

Visit us for more such opportunities: http://lexpeeps.in/

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