Stanford Law Review (SLR) invites submission of articles from the members of the legal fraternity, for its online issue.
Submission guidelines:
- The submissions should be original pieces of timely scholarship on newsworthy topics and accessible to a wide audience.
- No longer than 3,000 words, inclusive of footnotes.
- An editable word processing document (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .otf, etc.) and NOT a PDF document.
- All citations should be in Bluebook format.
- Lighter footnoting is encouraged [An essay of 3,000 words typically has in the ballpark of 30 footnotes].
- As SLR’s review process is blind, the author is requested to remove his/her name and all identifying information from the submission.
- The author’s name may be included in the cover letter/CV and in the form below.
Please visit:
Contact information:
Carly Grimes
Online Editor-in-Chief for Volume 73,
e-Mail ID: online[at]