At CRY, they believe in empowering children with the right tools. CRY believes that children who are made aware of their rights are a powerhouse of knowledge. They stand up for themselves and for those around them. They become changemakers and young activists.

CRY has seen multiple examples of this when children as young as 9 years have raised alarm and successfully stopped child marriages in their community. Where adults in the community have failed to stand up to age-old regressive cultural practices, children have boldly raised their voices.

What is “Know your Law” Initiative

Children should be made aware of their rights. Children are smart, they understand their rights and responsibilities when made to understand in a child-friendly manner.

CRY wants to invite Law students to use their expertise and simplify a part/whole of any of the following 4 laws/guidelines.


Keeping safe online

Prohibition of child marriage Act

School safety manual

Pick any of the above 4 topics and make either a video, audio, quiz, or posters explaining the content in a vernacular language. Content in English is welcome, but we would urge you to make your submissions in vernacular languages (along with supporting English base text/ content so that it can be cross-checked).

The content should be:

  • In simple language: explaining terms used in the law/ policy wherever applicable.
  • Contain crucial information
  • Be Age appropriate

What is in for you?

  1. This is your chance to give back to the children of India. Nothing compares with the satisfaction that comes from knowing you used your time and knowledge for a good cause.
  2. CRY encourages Young Indians to stand up for our children and as a token of appreciation, we shall be issuing a certificate of participation to all those who make valid submissions.
  3. CRY would give a special shout-out to the best submissions and an offer to intern with CRY and that will be done by October.

What is a Valid Submission?

  • A submission that covers the topic related to the 4 legislations/guidelines mentioned above.
  • The content is appropriate to be disseminated to children between the ages of 6-18
  • The submission is of reasonable quality.
  • A submission that has original content: please paraphrase and do not plagiarize content

How to Submit?

Kindly send in your submissions through this google form.

While uploading your submission Name your file as FullName_Language_Topic_Ageofthechild.

For example, if your name is Aditi Sharma and you have made content in Hindi covering POCSO for children aged 7-10, the file name shall be Aditi Sharma_Hindi_POCSO_7-10.

Deadline: 30th August 2020.

Contact Information

For any queries or issues with submission, send CRY an email at kanchan.hans[at] Please give them 48 working hours to get back to you with a resolution.


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