This article has been written by Alok Kumar. In this article, he has tried to explain the role of Mediation in order to achieve Justice. Along with this, he has also discussed the importance of Mediation in todays time.


ADR I.e. alternative Dispute Resolution as it very well may be effectively comprehended by the words that ADR is an alternative technique to resolve disputes now first we need to comprehend that what is the conventional method that is “court”. In India, as we all know there are a great deal of cases pending and courts can’t resolve all the cases and the Indian judiciary is inefficient to manage the pending cases. The administration knows about this reality and that is the reason the legislature has supported for setting up in excess of a thousand fast track courts and these courts help a ton to break up and settle a large number of cases. Be that as it may, much after that the number of pending cases is expanding day by day.

To manage this sort of circumstance ADR can assume an extremely indispensable job. ADR can resolve the dispute swiftly and the decision that gets through this ADR is acknowledged by both the parties. ADR is generally acknowledged on the grounds that it settle the dispute in practice a wide range of issues like commercial, civil, family and industrial issues, and so on. (1)

Relation of ADR with Constitution & Other Acts

At the point when we talk about ADR in the Indian situation so ADR in India was founded on the Constitutional article 14 right to equality and Article 21 right to life and personal liberty. Article 39 A, DPSPs, are likewise included in the ADR for giving justice and free legal aid, Furthermore, when we talk about explicit acts that are connected with ADR so for the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 and legal services authority act 1987 is there. Section 89 of CPC 1908 likewise discusses the alternative method, this section gives that opportunity to the individuals, in the event that it seems to court there exists a component of settlement outside the courts at that point court figure the particulars of a potential settlement and allude the equivalent for arbitration, conciliation, mediation and Lok Adalat. (2)

Why ADR is the need of the Time?

Since this procedure is quick thusly less time-consuming in contrast with conventional court procedures. Less expensive than litigation and saves money as well. It is adaptable and liberated from the technicalities of courts and individuals can resolve their disputes without any problem.

It is a nonbinding procedure with the exception of from few methods people are allowed to express and they can reveal the true facts identified with the case.

Types of ADR

  1. Arbitration
  2. Conciliation
  3. Negotiation
  4. Mediation
  5. Lok Adalat

But there we only understand about mediation and how mediation is a tool for access to justice.

What is the Significance of Access to Justice?

In 1999 the then chief justice of the family court Alastair Nicholson, and sue lynch wrote: “any conversation of access to Justice should be set inside a more extensive setting than that of the legal framework alone and in the time of 2009 the access to justice task force in the commonwealth attorney, journals dept. Published ‘ a key structure for access to justice in the federal civil justice framework. Access to justice is key to the standard of law and basic to the enjoyment regarding fundamental human rights, it is a basic precondition to social incorporation and a basic component of a well-working majority rule government. An effective justice system must be available in the entirety of its parts without this, the framework dangers losing its significance to, and the regard of the network it serves availability is about more than straightforward entry to land stone structure or getting legal advice. While courts are a significant part of the justice system, there are numerous circumstances courts are the last spot individuals will get the result they are searching for to determine issues.

The basic test is whether our justice system is simple, reasonable, and affordable. It is additionally significant that the framework gives viable early mediation to assist individuals with settling issues before they raise and lead to digging in a disservice. (3)

An alternative mechanism to improve value and access to justice and accomplish lower cast civil dispute resolution, in both metropolitan regions and provincial and remote communities and the expense and advantages of these.

Where parties can’t arrive at a private resolution, the civil justice system gives them different approaches to determine the dispute and mediation is one of the ways.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is one of the methods of alternative dispute resolution(ADR) accessible to parties. Mediation is basically a negotiation encouraged by an impartial third party. Unlike arbitration, which is a procedure of ADR fairly like a trial, mediation doesn’t include decisions by the impartial third party. ADR techniques can be started by the parties or might be constrained by enactment, the courts, or legally binding terms.

Is Mediation right for you?

At the point when pieties are reluctant or unable to resolve a dispute, one great option is to go to mediation. Mediation is commonly a short term, structured, task-situated, and “hands-on” process.

In meditation, the disputing parties work with an unbiased third party, the mediator, to determine their disputes. The mediator encourages the resolution of the parties’ disputes by regulating the exchange of information and the haggling procedure. The mediator enables the parties to discover shared opinions and manage unrealistic desires. The individual may likewise offer inventive arrangements and help with drafting a final assessment. The role  of the mediator is to decipher concerns, transfer information between the parties, outline issues, and characterize the issues

When Is Mediation Required?

Mediation is generally a voluntary procedure, albeit now and again resolutions, rules, or court orders may require participation in mediation. Mediation is regular in small claims courts, housing courts, family courts, and some criminal court projects and neighbourhood justice system.

Dissimilar to the litigation procedure, where a nonpartisan third party (normally a judge) imposes a decision over the issue, the parties and their mediator commonly control the mediation process – choosing when and where the mediation happens, who will be present, how the mediation will be paid for, and how the mediator will interface with the parties. (4)

What is the role of the Mediator?

Every time the last decision is taken by the parties and the mediator doesn’t decide anything and he has no power to decide the dispute between the parties and essentially put he is the guardian of the procedure and he can’t give his recommendation gave it is evaluative mediation. Be that as it may, what does the mediator do is he simply offer his input and attempt to come to a conclusion which is generally of the parties by their own points.


  • Opening statement
  • Joint session
  • Separate session
  • Closing

In the opening statement, the mediator just gives all the information about his appointment and he proclaims that he is an unbiased individual and he has no interest in the subject matter. In the joint session, the mediator attempts to comprehend the facts and the issues of the case and he assembles each data identified with the dispute by welcoming both the parties and parties present their case and give their point of view looking into the case.

In the separate session fundamentally mediator accumulates information by taking both the parties in confidence separately and he attempts to comprehend the core of the dispute. In the wake of hearing both the parties and when he comprehends the entire dispute, he attempts to make alternatives for settlement through parties on the statement, facts which are given by the parties subsequent to being asked by the mediator.

Mediation is not quite the same as conciliation as conciliation is the formulation of opinion and conveyance of verdict. Be that as it may, in mediation, a mediator is just a facilitator and just render his opinion in the dispute and he can convey his verdict with respect to the contest anyway the conciliator plays more interventionist role and make a proposition for the dispute and this was decided in the case of  Salem Advocate Bar Association v. U.O.I; in this case, SC held that mediator is merely a facilitator while the conciliator by making proposals for a settlement of the dispute and by reformulation the conditions of the settlement assume a progressively dynamic the mediation is the procedure of structured negotiation including various stages like a joint session, introduction, separate session and so on.

How is Mediation a Tool for access to Justice?

As we already understood that what is the significance of access to justice and how it is related to ADR now letā€™s try to understand how it is a tool for access to Justice.

At the point when parties can’t arrive at a private resolution then the civil justice system gives them different approaches to determine the contest mediation at that point turns into the most embraced structure for this since it is the nonbinding decision by the mediator. Parties can without much of a stretch access the Justice through their own particular manner by giving the fact to the mediator and thus resolve the dispute, access to Justice implies the capacity to get Justice by any individual and the most ordinary method for getting justice is through a court of law yet nowadays courts are overburdened by loads of cases at the principal example court alludes the parties to determine the dispute through mediation.

As has just been expressed that a mediator is a nonpartisan third party that goes about as a guardian of the procedure without mediating in the topic makes it a method for settling disputes agreeably and it additionally is a swift and adaptable method for resolving disputes with sets aside both money and time. Since mediation isn’t a procedure to be recorded for the public record their for it likewise spares the generosity of the parties from being discoloured. Every one of these highlights of mediation makes it the fittest method for resolving disputes between parties in today’s time when the courts are troubled with cases. (5)


Mediation is one of a few ways to deal with resolving disputes It contrasts from the antagonistic resolution process by temperance of its simplicity, familiarity, flexibility, and economy. Mediation gives the chance to parties to concur terms and resolve issues without anyone else, without the requirement for legal representation or court hearings.

Why mediation is important and how it is a tool for access to justice, following are some of the benefits which typically associated with mediation:

  1. Recognition
  2. Empowerment
  3. Speedy trial
  4. Economical
  5. Confidentiality
  6. Quality of settlement
  7. Avoid bad outcomes

The prior is only a portion of the convincing reasons to mediate disputes. Besides, there is only here and there any genuine drawback to mediation. While some may hesitate “to lay it all out there” in mediation, in this period of disclosure driven litigation, the old “trial by ambush” long stretches of civil litigation are progressively turning into a relic of times gone by. Mediation works not just on the grounds that it centres around the parties, own interests, and agendas. yet in addition since it gives the chance to parties to move beyond dispute proficiently and graph their own future.

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