Centre for Aviation & Space Laws, West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences is organizing an International Conference on Aviation Financing, UNIDROIT and Growing Concerns.
In light of many challenges and taking note of the contemporary relevance of the topic, the Centre for Aviation and Space Laws of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences is organising an international conference to chart the current developments in this sector, the domestic and international challenges complicit in the present situation, and the legal ramifications of the same in the backdrop of the developments taking place, as well as to bridge the gap in legal literature and jurisprudence of this sector.
- As this academic exercise is focused on the current concerns faced by the international aviation community, participation from various segments of society is expected.
- While academicians, students and researchers would benefit immensely out of the discussions, the legal practitioners would also be able to acquaint themselves with this emerging branch of law.
- Representatives from the aviation industries at all levels are expected to participate to get benefits out of scholarly discussions on important issues like aviation financing.
- With the participation of internationally renowned aviation law experts as resource persons, even lawmakers and other government representatives would be benefitted out of their participation in this international conference.
- Concerns in Aviation Financing
- Dealing with Jurisdiction and Applicable Laws in Aviation Financing
- Governing laws of Aviation Financing and UNIDROIT Principles
- Dispute Resolution in Aviation Financing
- Aircraft Leasing and Issues
- Title Transfer of an Aircraft
- Security Registration and Remedies under the UNIDROIT System
- Protection of Creditors during the Insolvency of Airlines
- Impact of COVID-19 on Aviation Financing from the Perspective of the UNIDROIT System
- Aviation Financing and State Subsidy
- Early Bird Registration Fee for Paper Presenters/Participants (within India): Rs. 500/-
- Registration Fee for Paper Presenters/Participants at Normal Rate (within India): Rs. 1000/-
- Early Bird Registration Fee for Paper Presenters/Participants (outside India): USD 20/-
- Registration Fee for Paper Presenters/Participants at Normal Rate (outside India): USD 50/-
- Invited resource persons, members of CASL (NUJS), faculty members and students of NUJS are exempted from the payment of the registration fee.
- Last date for submission of Abstract: 5 October 2022
- Last date for submission of Full Paper: 8 November 2022
- Last date for Early Bird Registration: 20 October 2022
- Last date for Normal Registration: 10 November 2022
- Conference Date: 12 November 2022
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