ArbDossier in conjunction with Georgetown University International Arbitration Society is conducting a two-day training session on “The Practitioners’ Perspective on Arbitral Proceedings” on September 17 & 18, 2022.


ArbDossier is an internet publisher which makes analytical statistical reports for Alternative Dispute Resolution jurisprudence around the world. They also publish high-quality research and conduct periodical online courses instructed by senior practitioners and adjudicators.

ArbDossier in conjunction with Georgetown University International Arbitration Society is conducting a two-day training session on “The Practitioners’ Perspective on Arbitral Proceedings” on September 17 & 18, 2022.

Each of the 4 modules will be instructed by a stalwart in the field of international arbitration, and the modules are structured as follows:

  • Selection of Arbitrators, their Independence, and Impartiality: Mr. Gautam Bhattacharyya (Reed Smith LLP)
  • Party and Counsel Conduct, Tackling Guerrilla Tactics: Ms. Khushboo Shahdadpuri (Al Tamimi & Company)
  • Increasing the Efficacy of Evidence Taking: Mr. Peter Rosher (Reed Smith LLP)
  • The Dynamics of Confidentiality, Data Protection and Transparency in International Arbitration: Ms. Bojana Bilankov (International Arbitration & Litigation Attorney)
  • Stay tuned to ArbDossier on LinkedIn and ArbDossier’s official website for more information on the speakers and the course.


Registration is USD 44 (INR 3500), and USD 38 (INR 3000) [for limited early bird registrations]. Secure your spots as soon as possible by clicking on the link below.

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