The Global Policy, Diplomacy, and Sustainability (GPODS) Fellowship is now inviting applications for its upcoming cohort.


GPODS Fellowship is a program for public policy practitioners, business professionals, energy and climate change experts, entrepreneurs, academicians, scholars, and strategic analysts to act as a launchpad for their careers. It has also served as a platform for those looking to transition their career into the fields of public policy, diplomacy, and sustainability.

Through the 3 months intensive program over the summers, GPODS Fellows will be able to take up a variety of courses and skill workshops to build a foundational understanding of global governance, policy, sustainable ecosystems, and strategic issues from a multidimensional perspective.

At GPODS, the Fellows learn in an international environment of peers and mentors from 20+ countries. The Fellowship attracts mentors who lead the global discourse and governance. Some of the past mentors include heads of states, UN officials, diplomats, professors from Ivy League Universities, Judges, Ministers, CEOs, and NGO Leaders.

GPODS has hosted mentors such as:

  • H.E. Amina Gurib Fakim, Former President, Republic of Mauritius
  • Dr. Henrik Syse, Former Vice-Chair, Nobel Peace Prize Committee
  • Mr. Erik Solheim, Former Minister of International Development, Norway
  • H.E. Ambassador Christoph Heusgen, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations
  • H.E. Louise Blais, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations
  • Justice Brian Preston, Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court, New South Whales.
  • Prof. Armin Rosencranz, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
  • Justice Michael Wilson, Judge, Supreme Court of Hawaii.
  • H. E. Ambassador Simona-Mirela Miculescu, Permanent Delegate of Romania to the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
  • Elizabeth Mrema, Executive Secretary, Secretariat of the Convention of Biodiversity.
  • Professor John Mathiason, Cornell University.
  • Justice Sabrina S. McKenna, Associate Justice, Hawaii Supreme Court.
  • John Dickson, President, World Trade and Development Group.
  • Magali Caceres, Former Minister of Youth, Paraguay.


  • GPODS is made for students and professionals who are at a Watershed Threshold in their academic or professional lives. The Watershed Threshold would signify a significant moment at which the professional would seek to transit into bigger roles in her/his career or scholarly pursuits. This would mean an effort that is catalyzed by GPODS, to delve deeper into areas of their respective interests or expertise by dedicating time and energy towards multi-disciplinary learning to hone their skills – all while developing an intra and inter-peer network of global leaders.;
  • May work full-time or part-time, but must commit to completing the 3-month program, starting from June 2022 till the end of August 2022;
  • Be open to working in or studying sectors outside their comfort zone;
  • Basic knowledge of the English language is required.


  • Applicants may tick the box to be considered for a scholarship in the application form.
  • Scholarship application will only be considered once you have applied for the fellowship with all requisite documents.
  • The decision in relation to awarding scholarship shall be strictly based on merit and final.


Apply through this link with your Resume, Statement of Purpose, and any other additional documents deemed fit by the applicant.


September 15, 2022


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