About the Organiser
School of Law established in the year 2017, is a part of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology a renowned quality leadership institution located at the greenest spot of Chennai,India. The institution is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), UGC, and currently has an A + grade as accredited in 2021 for quality education.
About the Conference
Scientific temperament refers to an individual’s attitude of logical and rational thinking. An individual is considered to have a scientific temper if s/he employs a scientific method of decision-making in everyday life. The term stresses to be a viable method of acquiring knowledge through the application of the method of science.
Historically Joan of Arc is shown as a victim of Witchcraft. In recent times also certain shocking news reports have shed light upon incidents that led to human fatalities like Witchcraft and superstitious beliefs worldwide. There is a fine line between superstition and religion and treading that fine line is a challenging task. There rests upon the Law of the land, a responsibility in stalling such crimes by bringing in stringent regulations.
The present conference is intended to provide a platform to discuss and deliberate the theme in detail during the technical sessions followed by the Panel Discussions being chaired by subject-matter experts.
Research papers from Academicians, Research Scholars, Students, Professionals, Lawyers, NGOs, and Human Rights Activists are invited on the conference theme or any other sub-theme on the Major Thrust Areas.
- Scientific Temper and Superstition
- Superstition and Psychology
- Drugs, Magical Remedies and Superstition
- Witch-doctors and Killings of Witches and Criminal Law
- State-Sponsored Superstition, Pseudoscience and Human Rights
- Witch-hunting legislations in the Modern SocietyInternational superstitious Practices and the UN as a player
- Witch Hunts – Victimization of Women
- Superstitious beliefs and its economic impact
- Culture and Superstition
- Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil Practices
- Any other topic relating to the theme of the conference.
Objectives of the Conference
Facilitating scholars from various fields with a platform for a detailed discussion on various themes surrounding the topics:
- To resurrect a discussion on superstitious beliefs and their impact on human lives in relation to
the jurisprudence evolved over the years. - To analyse new as well as old trends in criminology in the light of superstitious practices,
witchcraft, objectification of women, and other pressing issues. - To contribute to the debate for a better and safer environment for people.
- To present/offer further key recommendations, suggestions in policymaking, and the framework of law, with its effective implementation.
- To resurrect a discussion on superstitious beliefs and their impact on human lives in relation to
the jurisprudence evolved over the years. - To analyse new as well as old trends in criminology in the light of superstitious practices,
witchcraft, objectification of women, and other pressing issues. - To contribute to the debate for a better and safer environment for people.
- To present/offer further key recommendations, suggestions in policymaking, and the framework of law, with its effective implementation.
Submission Guidelines
- The abstracts should reach on or before March 31, 2022.
- After the acceptance of the abstract, the full research paper should reach on or before April 9, 2022 on mail Id: csl.researchcommittee@gmail.com along with the soft copy of the registration fees paid and screenshot/soft copy of the fee paid.
- The paper must include a clear mention of the research methodology adopted, major findings, results, implications and key references.
- Authors should adhere to the following particulars:
- Maximum 5000 words, five key words
- Font Times New Roman,12 point
- Spacing 1.5
- Abstract with 150-250 words
- Title Page Title Author(s), Affiliation and other details.
- Format: APA format of citation.
Registration Procedure
Registration Form: To register for the conference, fill out the form- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPWjp1duOpHQB5-O3byIW_-AHQNWJZ6T5quiS4j4z5ekTOmg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Fee Details
Registration Fees For Conference
- Students and Research Scholars: INR 1000
- Academicians and Professionals: INR 1500
- International Participants: USD 50
Payment Details
- Account Holder: Registrar, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
- Account Number: 165702000000440
- IFSC: IOBA0001657
- Branch: VANDALUR
Important Dates
- Last Date for Abstract Submission: March 31, 2022
- Notification on Acceptance of Abstract: April 4, 2022
- Last Day of Registration: April 7, 2022
- Last Date for Full Paper: April 9, 2022
- Date of Conference: April 12-13, 2022
Please Note
- No research paper will be accepted without registration.
- The Editorial Committee will have sole authority to accept or reject the papers.
- Organizers will not be liable for plagiarism.
- Authors should ensure that their articles contain no grammatical mistakes.
- No TA/DA will be paid to the Participants and Paper Presenters.
- Delegates can register only for one research paper.
- Separate registration for each author in case of joint authorship.
Contact details
Convener: Dr. Nazneen.M.Y
Contact Number: (+91) 9182343172
Faculty Coordinators:
- Ms. Manasa Krishnakumar
- Contact Number: (+91) 6282297749
- Dr. Hassan Shareef .K
- Contact Number: (+91) 9486223036
- Mr.N. Sudalai Muthu
- Contact Number: (+91) 9442473646
- Ms. Sameera Fathima K
- Contact Number: (+91) 9940323160
- Ms. TamilSelvi Jagadeesan
- Contact Number: (+91) 9043720900
Student Co-ordinators:
- Sabrina. M: (+91) 9500045289
- Nashita Nazneen: (+91) 9789801811
- Nilofer: (+91) 6380876453
- Vijayenthira Poopathy: (+91) 9489093333
- Shalini S: (+91) 9121529549
Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.
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