About the DSLSA

DSLSA or the Delhi State Legal Services Authority provide free and competent legal aid and services by advising on legal aspects and assigning lawyers to certain categories. It also runs helpline services to give quick and easy access to legal advice and services.

The DSLSA is also engaged in conducting Legal Service Clinics, Lok Adalats, Special Lok Adalats and Permanent Lok Adalats, Legal awareness Programmes for general masses, Pre-Institution Mediation in Commercial Matters, as well as Granting compensation to the victims under the Delhi Victims Compensation Scheme 2018.

About the opportunity

Delhi State Legal Services Authority invites online applications for the Winter Internship Programme 2021-22 for law students of Law Universities/Colleges of India.

Number of Openings



3rd and 4th Year Law students (in case of 5-year LLB) and 1st and 2nd-year law students (in case of 3-year LLB)

Internship Duration

The internship period will be of 21 days.

Skills Required

  • Efficiency in written communication
  • Legal writing skills
  • Basic legal knowledge

Areas of Internship

  • Delhi High Court
  • Department of Family Welfare, GNCTD of Delhi
  • Motor Accident Claim Tribunal
  • Special Courts exercising jurisdiction over cases of Section 138 N.L Act
  • Observation Homes for juveniles.
  • Mental Health Institutions (IHBAS).
  • Delhi Commission for Women
  • Legal Services Clinics.
  • Meditation Centres
  • Family courts
  • Labour Courts & Tribunals
  • Juvenile Justice Boards
  • Children Homes & Child Welfare Committees
  • Civil & Criminal District Courts
  • Lok Adalats
  • Jails
  • Special Juvenile Police Unit, Delhi Police
  • Police Stations/ Forensic Science Laboratory
  • National Commission for Protection of Child Rights/ Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights
  • National Commission for Women/ Delhi Commission for women
  • National Human Rights Commission
  • National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission/ State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
  • Old Age Homes
  • Society for Promotion of Youth & Masses (SPYM)
  • Door to Door Campaign

Primary Responsibilities

  • To prepare publicity material on Legal Services and legal rights under various social welfare legislation for mass awareness.
  • To generate legal literacy & legal awareness among the marginalized sections of society.
  • To create an enabling environment where the poor, weaker, and vulnerable people can come forward for justice and equality.
  • To develop a linkage between the people belonging to the peripheral section & legal aid.
  • To understand the problems and challenges faced by certain sections because of social & economic barriers.
  • To assist the needy in preparation of the application to access Legal Services.
  • To promote Alternate Dispute Redressal Mechanism viz. Pre-Litigation Conciliation & Counseling, Lok Adalats, Mediation etc. with special emphasis on family & matrimonial matters.

Procedure to Apply

Students can apply onlinefrom December 1 to December 15, 2021, through the online application link. Furnishing of recommendation letter on the proforma prescribed by DSLSA duly signed by Dean/Principal/Faculty is mandatory.

Link to Apply https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSes5kEjxknnN6wU0NQ02euNPD6_8Z1okTts5f4l2djTnPyIw/viewform

Last Date to Apply

December 15, 2021

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