About GNLU Centre for Women and Child Rights

The GNLU Centre for Women and Child Rights works to bridge the gap between law and women’s and children’s development. In this area, the Centre regularly participates in research initiatives and capacity-building workshops with stakeholders. The Centre’s current projects include study on Section 12(1)c RTE, School Mergers, and Indian Surrogacy Laws.

In academia, there has been a dearth of study in the topic of women’s and children’s policy. Discouraging statistics on the conditions of the two most vulnerable groups in society have been added to the mix. According to the most recent NCRB data, crimes against women have increased by 16 percent, while crimes against children have increased by 20 percent.

The state of Gujarat has also been proven to have poor statistics. The fact that six out of ten girl students in Gujarat Government Schools do not complete class ten, according to the National Health Profile 2019, underscores the need for more study and policy analysis in this area. Gujarat National Law University created the Centre for Women and Child Rights with this in mind.

The centre is split into two sections, one for research and the other for capacity building. While the research division will conduct empirical and legal research in order to produce publications, reports, and policy briefs, the capacity building division will organise field-based activities with key stakeholders (women and children) in order to improve their status and situation in society.

About the Competition

The Centre is searching for a new logo to assist reflect its ambition of becoming a pillar at the intersection of women’s and children’s rights in India, and to influence policies and regulations in this direction.

The Centre is searching for a contemporary logo that can represent larger trends in women’s and children’s policies. For the best logo that embodies the essence of the Centre, the Centre will award a payment of Rs. 2000/-. A Certificate of Appreciation would also be given to the top 5 logos.

  • The competition is open to everybody,
  • There is no registration fee
  • For submission, please write to cwcr@gnlu.ac.in
  • All submissions must be received by 5 PM, on November 18, 2021.


  • Winning Logo: Cash Prize of Rs. 2,000/-
  • Best 5 Entries: Certificate of Appreciation

Contact details

cwcr@gnlu.ac.in or reach out to Debargha Roy: 7578005137

WhatsApp Group:






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