Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida, India, in association with South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation in Law (SAARCLAW), Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training (MILAT) and Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) has been organizing the Prof. N. R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition, SAARC Law Students’ Conference and South Asian Colloquium since last five years, to create a platform for the SAARC Countries’ law students to interact and exchange ideas. The Mooting competition and the Conference aim to inspire and encourage interaction and reciprocity of ideas among law students of SAARC countries for promotion of regional cooperation, for mutual benefit in legal education and to broaden the horizons of legal studies.

Prof. N. R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition has two stages- India Round and SAARC Round. The India Round is organized to select Seven Best Teams from India to represent India in the SAARC Round. More than 60 law schools from India will compete to qualify as Seven Best Teams to represent India in the SAARC Round. This year the India Rounds of Sixth Prof. N. R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition will be held from 30th October to 1st November, 2020.

We were fortunate to have Padma Shri Prof. (Dr.) N.R. Madhava Menon as the Chief Patron and guiding force behind this Competition since its inception. The last four editions of this event were conducted under his personal supervision and guidance. This year’s Mooting Competition, Law Students Conference and Colloquium are dedicated to the loving memory of Professor Menon.


Lloyd Law College is organizing the Sixth Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition, Law Students Conference and South Asian Colloquium-India Round 2020-21 from 30th October to 1st November, 2020, in association with Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy and Training (MILAT) and Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF).  One of the most attractive features of this event is the Best Law Students Award. Every year, two final year’s students (one female & one male), from the top ten participating teams of India Round are selected for the Best Law Student Awards. The Winners receive a fellowship of $50,000/- from Penn State School of Law to pursue LL.M from Penn State University. Hitherto, six law students from different law schools and universities of India have received this fellowship. This year also, two Best Law Student Awardees (one female & one male) will be chosen from the top ten teams selected at the India Round, by the Jury. Also, all the seven qualifying teams shall be receiving Cash Prize worth Rs. 15,000 each

We invite Universities/Institutes from India to participate in Sixth Prof. N. R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition 2020-21 (India Round) which will be held from 30th October to 1st November, 2020.

Download Brochure-INDIA ROUND   

   Download India Round Pre- Invite


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